Your Passport to a Thriving AI Career Starts Here

Master the fundamentals of deep learning and unlock the door to limitless possibilities.

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    Tatev Aslanyan

    Data Scientist & AI Expert

    Who am I?

    I'm a data scientist, AI expert, and co-founder of LunarTech, featured in Forbes, Yahoo, and Entrepreneur. I've helped countless businesses and institutions leverage the power of data science and machine learning, and I'm passionate about sharing my expertise with you.

    What will you learn?

    • Master the Core Concepts: Build a rock-solid understanding of neural networks, activation functions, training processes, and optimization algorithms.
    • Tackle Real-World Challenges: Learn how to prevent common issues like vanishing and exploding gradients, and dive into sequence modeling with RNNs and LSTMs.
    • Ace Your AI Interviews: Prepare confidently with dedicated interview prep sections covering 150 Q&A, ensuring you're ready to land your dream AI job.